The Hibbing Campus Upward Bound program provides free year-round academic support services, career exploration & preparation, and activities that prepare high school students to successfully transition into college and complete a 2 or 4 year degree.

Students work with an Upward Bound program advisor to develop an Individual Student Plan based on each student’s career and college interests, then meet regularly to ensure each student takes high school classes and completes college preparation steps to attend the college, and college program, of their choice, including STEM programs.

All services, activities, and support are FREE and transportation is provided!

Academic Year Services & Activities offered include, but are not limited to:

  • Career & College Exploration and Planning
  • College visits
  • Career and Cultural experiences
  • Test & ACT preparation
  • Bi-monthly individual Advising Sessions at student’s school, on campus or Zoom
  • Weekly Drop-in College Prep Labs and Study Sessions (with tutor services as needed) are available on campus or through Zoom!
  • PSEO support – All Upward Bound PSEO students attending the Hibbing campus will receive a Lunch card, Transit passes and have full use of Library, Academic Center and Computer Labs! See the attached Hibbing Campus Upward Bound PSEO support document for more details!

All Upward Bound students have use of the Hibbing campus Library, Academic Center and Computer Labs!

Summer Services & Activities include:

  • An optional six-week summer program with Residential, Hybrid, Online and Full-time or Part-Time options to meet each student’s and family’s needs
  • Academic support in subjects designed to give Upward Bound students a head start on the next year’s high school courses
  • Cultural, social, and recreational activities designed to prepare students for college and adult life, including a Career Day, STEM, Culinary, and Life Skills classes
  • The last week includes an optional trip to visit Minnesota or out-of-state colleges, and participate in fun and educational activities in different cities

Juniors & Seniors receive support to:

  • Complete financial aid, grant, FAFSA and Scholarship applications
  • Write Resumes and college Personal Statements
  • Complete paid Internships/Word-Study opportunities
  • Transition to the college of their choice
  • Visit colleges of interest

Graduating seniors also have the opportunity to participate in Summer Bridge and have 1 summer college course, books and fees paid for by the Hibbing Upward Bound program. (Students choose a class at any Minnesota North College campus and have the option to live in Hibbing campus housing!)

All Upward Bound services and activities provide students with opportunities to develop personal skills, and build leadership and teamwork skills employers seek in individuals. Partnerships with colleges, and community businesses and organizations provide many opportunities for student connections to resources and professionals that support students and families.

Earn While You Learn!

Upward Bound students can earn monthly Stipends through active participation, can earn a Summer program Stipend, and Juniors and Seniors have the option to complete a paid Internship (Job Shadow/Mentorship) experience with a payment of $200-$300 for working alongside a professional in an area of their career interest!

Who can join?!

Hibbing UB serves 60 students from Hibbing, Chisholm, and Nashwauk-Keewatin high schools, and accepts students living in these areas that attend an online or other high school. High school students whose family’s taxable income meets federal low-income guidelines (*see link below), students at risk for academic failure, and/or whose parents did not earn a bachelor’s degree
Upward Bound is an equal opportunity, federally funded, U.S. Department of Education TRIO program, providing free college readiness programming for high school students. Students may be accepted into Upward Bound once they have completed 8th grade, or prior to 12th grade. Once accepted into Upward Bound, a student stays in the program throughout high school and receives support to transition into college.

Students interested in the Hibbing TRIO Upward Bound Program can contact:
Alyssa Smith (9th & 10th grade Advisor), Jasmine Lanhart (11th & 12th grade Advisor), 218-293-6914, or Evelyn Rolloff (Director) at, or stop by the Hibbing, Chisholm or Nashwauk-Keewatin high schools counselor’s office.

If you are interested in learning more about Hibbing TRIO Upward Bound, you can fill out an application using the link below.